Breakfast Around The World

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Breakfast Around The World Chef Sri Lankan hoppers for breakfast

Traditional breakfasts around the world, from a lifetime of travelling for food! We cover some of the best traditional breakfast meals in the world in this post, from Asia, Europe, Australia, the Middle East and parts of Africa, even the United States of America. This post has photos of typical breakfasts from dozens of countries. … Read blog

Thai Omelet Recipe (Why Thai Omelets are So Good!)

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Thai omelet rice photo

Thai omelets are really tasty and in Thailand, a country with so many amazing dishes, I find myself eating and ordering Thai omelet rice surprisingly often. I’ve ordered it from street food stalls in Bangkok, at tourist restaurants on Thai islands and it even appears on menus in the shopping mall food court in Chiang … Read blog

What is Roti?

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Roti Canai varieties

Roti are a type of flat bread, sometimes called a pancake, which can be found in multiple countries in Asia and Southeast Asia. Roti can be filled with sweet or savoury stuffings or can be a side dish with curries. This post covers roti in Malaysia, India, Laus, Sri Lanka, Sigapore, Thailand, and more! Types … Read blog

Mititei (Mici) Romanian Skinless Sausages

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mititei served for lunch with fried baby potatoes and a selection or Romanian mustards

This is a recipe for Mititei or Mici (pronounced Meech), Romanian skinless sausages. They are an iconic and popular authentic Romanian food, often found as street food or even as part of a Romanian breakfast.  Mititei or Mici are small, short sausages without casings (which makes them very easy to make) containing ground meat (usually pork and beef, … Read blog

What is Datshi?

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Datshi white Bhutanese cheese

Datshi is a cheese-like food product found in Bhutan. It is the key ingredient in Bhutan’s national dish, ema datshi (chili cheese). It is also used in kewa datshi (potato cheese). Most vegetables can be cooked with datshi. Saag datshi is spinach with cheese, datshi dishes can even be made with beef or chicken. Mushroom … Read blog

Best Breakfast in Port Douglas

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Best Breakfast in Port Douglas

Port Douglas has plenty of breakfast options, including hotel buffet breakfasts open to non-guests, cafe and restaurant breakfasts, cheap eats, and takeaway food. As a Port Douglas resident and lover of a good breakfast, and former head chef in one of Port Douglas’s best hotels, I’ll break down your options, with photos and opening times, … Read blog

Thai Breakfast

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Thai breakfast simple

What to expect from a Thai breakfast? Traditional or modern, hotel, restaurant or street food, you’ll find all sorts of dishes for breakfast in Thailand. This post is about Thai breakfast dishes we have eaten and been served in Thailand, and we’ll give you links to recipes to prepare a Thai Breakfast at home where … Read blog

Romanian Breakfast

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Romanian Breakfast Table

A Romanian breakfast is fairly typical of European breakfasts or Continental breakfasts, with a few special Romanian foods included. This post is about typical or traditional Romanian breakfast foods to give you ideas for your Romanian breakfast menu and we also give you a few Romanian breakfast recipes. We have a full post on traditional … Read blog

Australian Fruits

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australian fruits

Australia has suitable climates for growing all kinds of fruits and fruit is a very popular food in Australia. From snowy highlands to tropical and subtropical areas, Australia has the right climate for most of the world’s fruit to flourish and indeed, Australia produces no end of fruit commercially. Numerous settlers from the Europeans to … Read blog

Vegemite. What is Vegemite?

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Vegemite spread, What is Vegemite

Vegemite is a savoury spread that contains no animal products which has become a symbol of Australia, both in Australia, and around the world. Vegemite and Vegemite-flavoured products are sold extensively in Australia and in many other countries around the world. Vegemite is possibly the most famous Australian food! I’m an Aussie chef, married to … Read blog

British Food You Must Try!

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British food best British food to try

British food you need to try! What are the best British foods and unique traditional British recipes? British food has an undeserved reputation for being bad. I’ve heard this from many nationalities over the years. British food is not bad, it’s great, so in this blog post I’m going to try to explain what British … Read blog

Food From Egypt to Try!

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Food from Egypt dishes

Egyptian food is a unique blend of cultures and influences. Dishes date back to the ancient Egyptian era, while other favourite foods have origins in India, Africa, the Middle East or even Europe. Egypt sits between two continents – part North African and part Asian – making it an intercontinental country that’s one of Earth’s … Read blog

Idli. What is Idli? (Food)

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Idli, What are idli (the food)? Idli are fermented rice cakes, served with sambar and chutneys, predominantly in South India, but also found in other countries. Idli are one of my favourite foods in the whole world, which is a big claim, for something so simple. These little fermented rice cakes can be found easily … Read blog

Nepal Street Food

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Nepal Street Food

These days on the streets of Kathmandu and Pokhara you can buy all kinds of street food from burgers to falafel. Traditional Nepal street food is somewhat different. In this post, we look at typical and popular Nepali street food for you to try in Nepal as well as modern western foods you can find … Read blog

Weird Foods to Try

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Weird Food from around the world

Weird foods, that we have seen with our own eyes and, in some cases, eaten on our travels. Most of these foods we found in Asia, often in the less touristed local markets but one is from our second home, Romania. Some, the brave or foolhardy members of our family ate spiders, all of us … Read blog

Traditional Australian Food

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Traditional Australian Food prawns

What is traditional Australian food? Modern Australia is a young country and a diverse blend of global cultures, histories, and cuisines. Today there are several unique Australian dishes and foods that are hard to find outside Australia, along with local Australian variations on international cuisines. We give you a list of foods widely considered to … Read blog